As our economy continues to take a blow from the current Covid-19 crisis now it is as important as ever to keep strong work relationships. Impossible times like these can place a lot of pressure on us in a number of ways. It’s important that we recognise and demonstrate important behaviours that can make all the difference in getting to the other side while maintaining healthy, productive business to business relationships.


We all have good and bad days but a pattern of negative behaviour can be detrimental to your work and the relationships around you. There’s always time to weed out a few bad habits, consider adopting one or more positive changes:


Stay calm

Let’s face it, we are all anxious about the circulating Coronavirus and the constantly changing alerts that impact our day to day living but we can stay calm at work by arriving with the right set of facts (only) from good sources of information.

  • A sense of humour (even dark humour) can often relieve tension and promote a more relaxed atmosphere.
  • Accept that some things are not in our control and we need to trust the advice of Australian and world health experts.

Good communication


Whether talking to another in person, on the phone or online, each presents its own challenges requiring good communication skills. Now, we should continue to build excellent communication skills. Are you a good listener? Do you speak with confidence? Do you practice assertiveness without aggressiveness? Staying aware of your conversation habits (both good and developing) will help in conducting better conversations that are considerate and productive at the same time.

  • Be organised when approaching difficult conversations. This helps to stay clear, focused and less emotional.
  • Pay attention to verbal and non-verbal communication.
  • Actively listen to the person talking, wait for them to finish.
  • Remember that talking regularly between businesses helps to stay connected in your field but it also provides a way of supporting one another during this difficult time especially.

Be gratefulBE GRATEFUL

Your job role was awarded to you, so own it and be grateful to it. The power of gratitude boosts your day and helps to manage stress, so consider these things to be grateful for:

  • Flexibility
  • Salary and benefits
  • Your peers
  • Work life balance
  • Small (and large) successes in what you do


Actively managing your wellbeing is looking after your diet intake and the physical activity that you engage to relieve tension and stress. People with healthier lifestyles are less likely to develop depression (Doc. Seana Gall, University of Tasmania’s Menzies Institute for Medical Research) so continue to look at what you give your body for nourishment and how you look after it each day (i.e stretching and regular physical activity).


Here are some ways you can handle the co-workers that are bringing you down…

  1. Focus on controlling your behaviour (not theirs) – you can’t control others but you can control the way you respond.
  2. Don’t engage in conversations that lead to complaining, this will only bring you down with them.
  3. Keep your distance…not just the 1.5m social distance, this means maintaining your personal boundaries for getting included in negative discussions.
  4. Breathe…5 seconds breathe in, 5 seconds breathe out (yes, this can be very powerful).

Resource: MBO Partners (2019)